Saturday, August 25, 2012

One week down, nine to go!

I completed my first week of training! 13 miles total this week. I got a new best time on my 3 mile run, and for the first time in my life I ran 4 miles! 4 MILES!! I didn't even stop to walk once! (actually I did  stop for a few seconds to give someone directions... doesn't count) And other than a minor dog bite on my butt, the week went completely smooth!
Every time I'm running I think back to my 5th grade gym class when I had my first asthma attack while doing the 1 mile run fitness test. The teacher thought I was faking an attack so I wouldn't have to do the run; she barely even reacted until I stopped jogging and doubled over, struggling to breathe. Every year after that throughout middle and high school I avoided the test at all costs. Faking sick, faking a knee or foot injury of some sort, having my dentist appointments scheduled for the day of the test, etc. I went to such great lengths to get out of having to run one little mile, I could never have imagined that someday I would willingly run 4!! If only my fifth grade gym teacher could see me now...
I can barely wait for Monday to go running again!! Let's hope this level of enthusiasm keeps up for the next 9 weeks!

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