Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I've decided to run my first half marathon. Seriously.
This all began when I got home from Spain. Life there was fun, exciting, full of music and dancing, and meeting up with my friends in beautiful plazas for drinks everyday, and now that I'm back home in Minnesota, life is a little different.  There is still music and dancing, but it mostly takes place in the kitchen of my parents house where I live. I've had my friends and family to join me in drinking, but as soon as the "I'm so happy to be home after 10 months away!" excitement faded, things got a little boring out in Ramsey, Minnesota. I was missing the fun, excitement, and beauty of my beloved Córdoba, not to mention all my friends that I had left behind.
To distract myself from my "homesickness" for Spain, I started running in my abundant free time. (I use the term "running" loosely, it was really more of "jogging 2 blocks then stopping to gasp for air") On a whim I signed up for a 5k, and after a few weeks of running every day, the gasping fits ceased, the course became easier, and I began to look forward, even crave, my daily run around the neighborhood. I ran my first 5k on August 11th after 6 weeks of running, and finished in 28 min. It might not have been a record time, heck it might be a completely embarrassing time for all I know, but I was so proud of my little 28 min accomplishment.
And now after a little arm twisting from some friends, I've agreed to run a half marathon. No taking it easy and running a couple more 5k's or even a 10k. Nope, it's go big, or go home.
I'm still a beginner, and I've been researching like crazy these past few days (apparently you don't need to run EVERY day to train...) but I would LOVE advice from more experienced runners as I prepare for my race. Encouragement is also welcome.
So here goes nothing! Enjoy watching me track my progress! And thanks in advance for reading, giving advice, cheering me on, laughing with/at me, etc. as I share my experiences taking on this challenge!

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